Transmissions from Somewhen

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Space Cave Vindication is Mine

Moon Caves!

Quick follow up from the previous post with this handy dandy link to that backs up my point. I'll humbly accept my position as Tiresias Chair of the Soothsaying Department at Lunar University once that's up and running.

Here's a fun thought: In a few hundred millennia some much younger spacefaring race happens across our planetary system, long after we've ascended past the bald-monkey phase and are flitting through the cosmos as eight dimensional angels on dark matter wings. They find the remains of asteroid and lunar colonies, and most of our stuff has rusted and rotted away, but what's left? Cave paintings.

Imagine intricate art carved and chiseled into the walls of caves on the Moon, on Ceres, and whatever other big rocks we make homes of. Think of the mystery we'd be leaving behind, as these future astronauts delve down and see strange, archaic, beautiful symbols and patterns etched in stone, and wonder who put them there.